Thermostat and Coolant Flanges

Thermostat flanges are usually made of a rigid plastic or aluminum body and inside there is a thermostatic valve. The thermostatic valve has the function of regulating the flow of the cooling circuit water according to the needs of the engine and is used to prevent the latter from suffering from a thermal shock which could cause a serious damage. If the engine needs to reach high temperatures when it is switched on, the thermostatic valve must then maintain the specific temperature for that type of engine. At the time of ignition and until the engine temperature reaches approximately 75 °C, the coolant passes only through the water – engine pump circuit. After 75 ° C the thermostatic valve starts to open and thus circulates the cooling liquid which also enters the radiator.
A bad functioning of the thermostatic valve can create serious problems so it is good to make sure that it works properly. In the event that the temperature sensor light indicates an anomaly, it is best to stop and accept that there are no leaks in the circuit, then suggest to bring the car into the workshop immediately for a complete control of the cooling system.