Unigom and UninaCorse, Federico II University racing team

On the occasion of our 30th anniversary in UNIGOM we have given ourselves a great opportunity, that is, the possibility of taking part in an exciting project, challenging and stimulating in every respect. At the request of the talented guys from Unina Corse Federico II to contribute to the creation and putting on the track of the new SAE formula single-seater, UNIGOM expressed its total availability by contributing both as a sponsor and by supplying high precision technical details.

The single-seater is designed and built entirely by students of the Federico II University and participates in the international Formula SAE championship. During the competition, sponsored among others by FCA and Dallara Automobili, hundreds of universities from all over the world compete, testing projects on the track, born and then developed from different approaches to the technical challenge guided by the extremely rigorous regulations. Furthermore, since 2020, the Unina Corse Team has undertaken to develop and apply, on the same single-seater, an innovative project for autonomous driving, thus transforming the same single-seater into a Driverless car, i.e. an autonomously driving car among the first of all of Southern Italy. Innovative project that will aim to become globally competitive by 2022.

When you find yourself faced with such enthusiasm from university students, future engineers with a great desire to do and make use of their skills, you get involved to the point of wanting to be part of it. The frequent opportunities to deal with them creates a continuous exchange of precious interactions, simply exchanging advice and grasping the most original visions” states Luciano Palmitessa, marketing director of UNIGOM, and adds “In Unina Corse I was galvanized by the fact that we continuously deal with of new projects, of continuously sharing ideas and all this allows us to actively contribute to the construction of new solutions and, why not, of something that could make a difference on the market in the future“.